
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Over and over in these last couple weeks God has shown His blessings and provision over my life. He has brought many new friendships into my life as well as resurrecting some old ones, all for a purpose of which I will one day know. God knows exactly what I need when I need it. There are times when I start to do a little doubting or freak out and question what I'm doing. And in perfect time God shows up through a simple word or small conversation, a hug, or even a song on the radio. God cherishes each and every one of His children and loves to rain down his blessings on us just as much as he wants to hold us close to his heart to protect and give us his undivided attention. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart" Isaiah 40:11. I have definitely felt his arms holding me close to his heart!

I sometimes catch myself thinking about how amazing and God filled my journey will be once I arrice in Cambodia and start doing His work. But my dear friends this journey has already begun! Everyday is one day closer to Cambodia but it is also one day more I have to spend with my family and friends whom I am going to miss more than they know!! I have been through so many emotions in the last weeks but there is one that resonates with me the most…LOVE!  You see fear and excitement can come and go and actually just be felt for maybe even just a second. But love, love is everlasting and comes from the Lord. Love is sacrifical and pure. Nothing compares to love. I have seen and felt love from so many since my exciting news about becoming a missionary to Cambodia. This love and support overrides the split seconds of fear that creeps in every now and then. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love…" 2 Timothy1:7.  This weekend I cried my first real tears, definitely won't be the last, after watching Life of Pi and thinking of a special little blonde hair blue eyed sweet girl at work that buried herself deep in my heart and who I am going to miss terribly when I leave! I'm going to miss being her "lovey" and her mine, sharing chickpeas, my lapbuddy, being able to be the only one capable of comforting her tears (besides food of course haha), her blowing goodbye kisses, and of course her sweet and caring mom! I am so blessed to have been moved to tears by them being in my life! A friend once told me, " Don't ever be afraid or ashamed to cry over missing someone. That expresses just how much you love them." I believe that to be true. And I am utterly thankful for those tears cried and for the tears to come.

I know there will be times of struggle and of fear or frustration. But I pray steadfastly that LOVE wins!

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa


  1. Jen, your faith and heart display a beautiful testimony to our loving Savior, Jesus! Currently, my hubby and I are studying “Holy Ambition” by Chip Ingram-turning God-shaped dreams into reality. It discusses how God seeks peoples who are completely His–2 Chronicles 16:9 “for the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” Thanks for modeling to us what pleases God by exercising great faith! We love you!

  2. Thank you so much, Mary for your words of encouragement and for your constant prayers!!! I am so blessed to have you and your family apart of my life! LOVE YOU!!!

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